A Beginner's Guide to Soy Wax Candle Making

Candle making is an age-old art that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It's a great activity to do with your children, or to help you relax after a long day. There are many ways to make candles, but this guide will focus specifically on soy wax candles.

It might sound like making your own candles is an extremely difficult process, but it's actually very easy to do. And hand poured candles make the perfect gift, and you could find yourself a new hobby.

The best part about making your own soy candles is that you can create various designs, colours and scents. Making soy candles is also more convenient, since they burn longer than regular store bought candles.

As you read this article, we'll explain how to make homemade soya wax candles in easy steps, that are sure to be a success.

Choosing the right wax for soy wax candle making

soy beans

Natural soy wax is a renewable resource made from the oil of soybeans. Some describe soy as a ‘nature wax’. It is a pure, hydrogenated vegetable oil that is biodegradable and environmentally friendly.

Soy wax candles are non-toxic and emit no, or low, pollutants or carcinogens. They also burn cleaner and cooler than traditional paraffin candles, which makes them ideal as gifts and to use at home.

It is possible to call your candles ‘vegan friendly’ if you check all the ingredients you use in them. It’s also a good idea to check the soy wax you use comes from sustainable sources.

When choosing a soy wax for your candles, it is important to consider the type of wax and the additives used. Some waxes are made with hydrogenated soybean oil, while others are made with a blend of soy and other oils. The type of wax you choose will determine the melting point, the scent throw, and the burning characteristics of your candles.

For a beginner, it is best to start with a soy wax made with hydrogenated soybean oil. This type of wax has a lower melting point, which makes it easier to work with. It also has a good scent throw and a clean burning flame. You can find this type of wax at most craft stores.

If you are looking for a soy wax with a higher melting point, you can try a blend of soy and other oils. This type of wax is a little harder to work with, but it has a higher melting point and stronger scent throw. It is also a little more expensive than the hydrogenated soy wax.

When choosing a soy wax, it is important to consider the additives used. Some waxes are made with hydrogenated soybean oil, while others are made with a blend of soy and other oils. The type of wax you choose will determine the melting point, the scent throw, and the burning characteristics of your candles.

Coloured candles are appealing. Bear in mind that adding candle dyes changes the characteristics of your candle, which means it will burn differently than an undyed candle. That means it might not burn well, or it might burn too hot, so it melts your candle.

Whatever you choose, most people like the appeal of using natural ingredients to make their candles or wax melts. If you want to make simple gifts or luxury candles, your ingredients determine the quality of your candles.

Selecting the right wick for your candle making project

candle wicks

Soy wax is a natural, renewable resource made from soybeans. It is biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Soy wax also has a lower melting point than other types of wax, so it is a good choice for beginner candle makers.

The first step in making a soy wax candle is to select the right wick. The wick size should be based on the size of the container you will be using. The wick should be about 1 inch shorter than the container.

The type of wick you choose depends on the several factors to get your candle to burn properly. The size of the vessel you want to use, the amount of fragrance you want to include, and the location of where you want to place your finished candle are all factors in choosing the right wick.

Wicks are made from different materials. Many candles use a cotton wick. Other wicks include synthetic materials to make them burn better for particular candles.

Choose your wick carefully, and ask your supplier for help if you are unsure of the right wick to choose.

Melting the wax for your candles

When melting wax, you will need a double boiler (or melting pot), also called 'bain marie'. This is a pot with a smaller pot that fits inside it, and is used to heat the wax. A typical glass bowl or glass containers you use in the kitchen are ideal. You will also need a thermometer to measure the temperature of the wax.

Place the wax into the top pot of the double boiler and heat over medium heat. Melt the wax until it reaches a temperature of 160 degrees F.

Once the wax has reached the correct temperature, carefully remove it from the heat.

Adding natural candle fragrances

There are a few things to keep in mind when adding fragrance to soy candles. The first is that not all fragrances are created equal. Some fragrances are oil-based, while others are water-based.

Oil-based fragrances will not work well in soy candles, because they will cause the wax to melt too quickly. Water-based fragrances, on the other hand, are perfect for soy candles.

Another thing to remember is that the strength of the fragrance will vary depending on the type of candle you are using. Soya wax candles tend to have a weaker scent throw than paraffin candles, so you will need to use more fragrance when making them.

Fragrance oils are usually made up of essential oils and synthetic chemicals, while essential oils are made from the natural oils of plants. Both types of oils have a different scent, so you will need to experiment to find the right oil for your candle.

When adding fragrance to soy candles, you will need to use between 2 and 4 ounces (56 - 113 grams) of oil per pound (0.45kg) of wax. Start by adding 2 ounces of oil, and then increase the amount if needed.

Once you have chosen the oil you want to use, add it to a glass jar or bowl. Then, place the jar or bowl in the bain marie and heat it on high for 30 seconds. Be sure to stir the oil before heating it, as the oils can separate.

After the oil has been heated, add it to your wax. Stir the wax until it is fully melted, then add the fragrance. Stir the wax for several minutes.

Pouring the candle wax

pouring the wax

Now that you are ready with the wax, it's time to pour into the containers you've bought.

Make sure to use a funnel to avoid spills, and to make the process go more quickly. Fill the containers about two-thirds of the way full, and then place them somewhere cool so they can harden.

Some suggest putting your candles in your freezer. There's no need to do that, because a) the candles will cool down quickly anyway in a normal room temperature, and b) you will put a lot of heat into your freezer, which it's not designed to do.

If you're unhappy with the way your candles turned out, you can always reheat them and try again. Just make sure to let them cool completely before you do so. Also, ensure you use a flat surface when making your candles. You don’t want any avoidable spillages to happen.

Now that you know how to make candles, experiment with different colours and scents. The possibilities are endless.

Curing the soy wax candle

Now that you know the basics, let's go over some additional tips for making perfect soy wax candles every time:

  1. Make sure your wax is at a consistent temperature before adding the fragrance oil. If the wax is too hot, the fragrance oil will evaporate quickly, and your candles will not smell strong. If the wax is too cold, the candles will take a long time to harden.
  2. Do not add too much fragrance oil. A little goes a long way!
  3. Allow your candles to cool and harden for at least 24 hours before trimming the wicks.
  4. Always trim your wicks to 1/4 inch before burning.
  5. Now that you know how to make soy wax candles, get creative and have fun with it! Experiment with different scents and container sizes to create the perfect candles for your home.

Concluding out soy wax candle making guide

You now know how to make your own candles, so it's time to buy what you need to begin making. We stock candle making kits to help you start. See our selection here!